6. Grim, A. and Felzenszwalb, P., Belief Propagation Algorithms on Factor Graphs with Numerical Homotopy Continuation, (In progress).
5. Grim, A. and Felzenszwalb, P., Conbex Combination Belief Propagation Algorithms (submitted). PDF
4. Grim, A., Iskra, B., Ju, N., Kryshchenko, A., Medina, P., Ness, L., Ngamini, Owen, M., Paffenroth, R., and Tang, S., Analysis of Simulated Crowd Flow Exit Data: Visualization, Panic Detection, and Exit Time Convergence, Attribution, and Estimation, Research in Data Science (2018), pages 239-281. PDF
3. Arnold, M., Golich, M., Grim, A., Vargas, L., Zharnitsky, V., Square and bow-tie configurations in the cyclic evasion problem, Nonlinearity 30.5, 1773-1787 (2017). PDF
2. Grim, A., O'Connor, T., Olver, P., Shakiban, C., Slechta, R., and Thompson, R., Automated reassembly of three dimensional jigsaw puzzles, International Journal of Image and Graphics 16 (2016), 165009. PDF
1. Grim, A., Applications of signatures in diagnosing breast cancer, Minnesota Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics 1 (2015). PDF